Drilling rig HPHD6" GEOGRASS + PTO shaft

  • Manufacturer: GEOGRASS
  • Availability: Exists Exists  (25 szt.)
  • szt.
  • Net Price: €832.17 €1,023.57
  • Payment in cash, Payment via bank transfer, PayU, eRaty Santander Consumer Bank, pobranie FedEx, pobranie Raben, pobranie InPost, BLIK i inne płatności

A drilling rig of simple design and high performance, attached to the three-point hitch of the tractor. Also suitable for small tractors. Fitted with a protection bolt that is torn off if overloaded.

Technical parameters:

  • Attached to the three-point hitch on the tractor (Category 1).
  • Driven by the PTO shaft mounted on the tractor, 540 rpm.
  • Drill diameter – 15.2 cm.
  • Drill length – 100 cm.
  • Required 130 cm shaft at the installation place, without splines, with a screw safety piece.
  • Weight - 110 kg
  • Equipped with an intersecting axis gear.
  • Drill with 2 exchangeable blades.
  • Option to purchase a different diameter drill.